I hear this all the time. And he is. So sweet! Except when he isn't.
I saw a saying on Facebook the other day that said, "The terrible two's are just a warm up for the terrorist three's." I laughed, thought, "How true!" then realized I have a two year old and a three year old. Awesome!
Well, I think W didn't want to waste a moment of his "warm up" time.
W's disposition reminds me of a poem I often heard my mom repeat as a child. It refers to a little girl, but in this case we will just think of it about a boy.
There was a little girl (or in our case a boy)
With a little golden curl (well, actually his hair is brown, but that doesn't flow as well)
Right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good,
She was very, very good.
But when she was bad,
She was horrid!
Oh, the times I heard that poem referring to....my sisters of course! Never me. But I digress....
See this picture?
See this picture?
Notice how everyone in picture #2 is crying. Want to know why? W. We started singing "Happy Birthday" to W and he didn't like it. In fact, he not only started crying, he turned back and forth hitting, kicking, and screeching at his older siblings. Feel the love!
W is what we like to call an "Angry Elf."
Funny boy!
Now what inspired this post? Well, I'll tell you.
Yesterday W fell asleep in the middle of the day. Great, except he fell asleep right before it was time to pick up S from the bus stop and take S and Z to their music class. I decided to just load him in the car as is, and hope he sleeps through the class while we hang out in the car.
It's a Wednesday Miracle! He sleeps the entire time.
As we drive home, W wakes up. Screaming!
We get home right as Michael is unlocking the front door.
He helps unload kids.
Walk in the house.
Screaming is still going. The articulate, "AAAHHHHH" is often interrupted with a, "MOMMY!!!"
Michael hands W to me.
I hand W back.
Michael hands him back.
You get the idea.
After playing hot potato with W for a minute, he starts adding "I ready to go!!!" between his screams for mom or dad. And, you seems ready to go. To bed. But I don't think that is what he meant.
Finally, Michael to the rescue! He takes W and Z to get some dinner for everyone. By the time they return, Sweet W is actually being sweet again. Because when he is good, he is very, very good. But when he is bad...
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