Do I love it here? No. I wouldn't say I love it here.
Do I want to raise my family here? No. I feel like there is somewhere else we are supposed to do that (I just don't know where yet).
Do I regret moving here? Absolutly not!!! I have made some of the dearest friends I have ever had.
Living so far away from my family that I have to get on an airplane to go see my parents if I don't want to be in the car for three days has taught me a lot. But above all, it has taught me how to make friends and how to rely on those friends.
What inspired this post? Since moving here I have made two dear friend who have had to move. I have made so many friend here and I am thankful for each of them. But the imminant move of my friend has had me thinking about what I have experiened in the last few months.

So, I cried. I got a little down hearted. And I just kept going, though I was dragging my feet a bit.
During this period of time I started Mommy Day (which I wrote about in an earlier blog post: ). Ashley had come with me a few times, but I didn't often have a friend join me. I decided to invite a few ladies. Eventually, Tisha and I went out every week. We are soon joined by Megan and sometimes a few other ladies. It's so great to have that support system, as well as a moment away from the kids.
During these outings, I got close to a few of the ladies, Tisha being one. She has kids old enough to babysit so we are able to get together more often. When Z ended up in the ER a couple weeks ago, her family came to get and take care of the other three kids. Tisha became my go to. My "sister away from home" you might say. And now...she's moving. In 9 months I have made and lost 2 close friends.
Am I sad? Of course!
Am I alone now? Of course not! I'm so blessed with more friends. But I am still sad to see this friend go.

As a teenager my mom always told me that friendds will come and go, but you always have your family.
That is true. I have had many friends come and go in my life. But there are a few friends that no matter how far away they are. No matter how long we are parted, they feel like family. And I think they always will.
How thankful I am to have been put in a situation where I have had to learn that!
So thank you Ashley, and Tisha, and so many other friends that I am thinking of at this moment. I hope you know who you are. Because I will forever love you. I will forever be thankful for the way you have shaped my life. And I hope the next time we meet, it will be with a smile and hug and a new memory to be made.
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