Now, I'm sure you are assuming there is much sarcasm in that comment, but there isn't. Actually it's true! Am I crazy, you ask? No. I'm just always looking for something to blog about and a trip with all four kids to the doctor will never disappoint.
On Monday, Baby B had her 10 month check up. And all the kids got a flu shot.
B's check up was very routine. Fast. Easy. Painless.
Dr. Patel then asks who is going to be the most "destructive" while getting their shot. We said, probably the boys. I had talked to S ahead of time and she was staying pretty calm. She had asked before we came if she could be last. So, that was the plan.
Dr. Patel goes to get the shots.
While he's gone, S begins getting crazy upset.
And it begins!
Doctor comes back.

Grab W.
I already have B.
No scream.
Grab S.
B realizes everyone else is screaming and joins.
Now all four are in complete melt down mode.
Doctor turns to leave, then does a sudden about face at the door. In a booming voice he yells, "Listen!"
"Everybody listen!!!"
Crying quiets significantly.
"Stop crying!"
W whimpers.
"Stop crying or I will bring another shot."
Michael and I are dying of laughter at this point. I just can't help it. My kids are petrified.
Doctor repeats, "Stop crying or I will bring another shot."
Complete silence.
Except our laughing of course.
Doctor leaves.
I get B dressed. Other kids are still petrified.
"Why don't you go get a sucker," I suggest.
Kids head to the front desk with Michael; I soon follow. While standing at the desk making the next batch of well child check appointments, Dr. Patel comes out and has a grin on his face. He thinks he's pretty funny too. And he would be right! That was awesome!!! And there was no more crying about shots for the rest of the day (which is a big deal for us, especially our brave Miss S).
That doctor is genuis!
Also, why didn't he offer the older kids the mist? E got the mist this year and it was awesome-- no ouch, no tears, just sniff and done.
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