I have the best husband ever! I know you are probably thinking, "How cliche!" or "No you don't, I do!" or "She just hasn't been married long enough yet to think otherwise." etc... Well, it's true. I do! And you do too, I hope. If you want to have "the best husband ever" all you need to do is follow the training regimen that I have outlined below. Of course, you will have to personalize it for yourself, but I am pretty sure it will work!

The first topic to train on is chores. I am lucky in this area. My husband came in to our marriage willing to do dishes, laundry, and bathrooms. In fact, last week was the first week since we moved (almost three months ago) that I had to do any laundry because he has been so good to stay on top of it. Unfortunately, he doesn't do laundry the same way I do. The clothes don't always get sorted the "right" way. Sometimes when he does dishes, the dishwasher is loaded "incorrectly." Some times he uses the "wrong" cleaner for the tub. So, to "fix" these issues, what do I do? I change my attitude. Instead of being annoyed that there are a couple of whites in the colors or there are two less plates in the dishwasher than I could have put in, I thank him. That's it! In that brief instant, I can go from the woman with the husband that does all the chores incorrectly to the wife that is so glad to have a husband help her around the house.
The next training is kids. My husband is the youngest of six kids. He did not grow up babysitting or changing diapers. Just last night he put pajamas on W and the top was on correctly, but the bottom was backwards. No big deal, except they are one piece pajamas. So, another training moment. What did I do? I laughed and took a picture! Once again, I could have been the woman with the husband that doesn't even know how to put pajamas on, but instead I was the wife who got a good laugh and a fun picture to show my son when he gets older. And I have a husband who is still willing to help with bed time. See! Best husband ever!
I could go on and add more categories like driving, shopping, etc..., but I think you get the idea.

I haven't been married long, but in my short seven years I have realized that I can have things done my way, or I can have help with them. I can have a husband with no desire to help because I am critical of him or I can have a husband that will do things his own way so I can have a break or just some help.

Pop culture is so good at making men look like they are stupid and incapable. They aren't! But if you keep saying your husband, brother, son, dad, etc... is to dumb to figure out how to take care of one little thing, you and he are going to start believing it. In the end, it is you who are missing out. Yes, men are different than women. Thank goodness! How boring life would be if my kids only had me to play with. Only their dad would build a fort in the living room and spend all night with them on the floor (or the couch). Only their dad would bounce a kid on each leg, hold another in his arms while watching a presidential debate on his phone. Only their dad would put them up on his shoulders or hang them upside-down amid squeals of delight.

I freely admit that I am not perfect at seeing the positive. Sometimes Michael does things that I can't help roll my eyes at, but I have come to realize that it is my issue. He is who he is. I can enjoy it or be annoyed with it. It is all up to me. I am choosing to enjoy it. And because of that, I know I have the best husband ever!
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