Z is 3 years old and loves to do things all by his self. Most of the time, whatever he is doing involves food and either dumping it, eating it or a combination of the two. For example, he will pull out the Raisin Bran, dump it on the floor, and eat the raisins. To his credit, he is usually willing to share his spoils with his little brother and, once in a while, with his big sister.
Though his independence usually includes food, he does often expand his horizons. That is what happened just the other night.
It had been a long day. Kids were up late and having a hard time going to sleep. S is usually really good and will not get out of bed. Z goes down pretty well as long as he hasn't had any sort of nap (5 minutes of sleeping is too much of a nap for him). Unfortunately, he fell asleep for a few minutes that day. W isn't going to sleep if Z is awake. And Baby B goes to be when I do. So, 3 of my 4 kids were wide awake and ready to play. I figured as long as Z was in his room and not making a ruckus, then why worry about him. He will go to bed eventually, right?!?
Michael and I were in our room watching a show. Michael goes down stairs to get something. Upon returning, he informs me that Z is sitting on the couch watching a show. Okay. And you just let him stay? I wonder. Yep. He is being quiet. Why not? Is the general idea of the reply I get. I decide I'd better go get him. It is, after all, way past bed time. I do not want him up all night, or that close to the kitchen without being supervised.
Down the 16 creeky stairs. Sit by Z. "What are you doing?" Z replies, while starring at the television, "I'm just watching Strawberry Shortcake." Well, glad we got that cleared up! Oh, and nice movie choice son.
Needless to say, his movie was cut short.
Sometimes I am glad he is so independent, other times I just wish he would stay in bed!
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