Wednesday, March 19, 2014

It Only Takes a Minute

Mom! Mom! Mom! As a stay-at-home mom, I think I sometimes get tired of that word.

"Mom! I'm hungry"
"Mom! I want to go somewhere."
"Mom, can we...."
"Mom, where is my toy?"
"Mom, I'm bored."
Or my favorite, "Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" "What?" "Ummm....."

It is so easy for me to brush off whatever follows, "Mom!" As much as my kids think my day should be full of catering to their every whim, I do have other things I need or want to do. But sometimes, I have to remind myself to take a minute, stop what I'm doing, and sit down to play or read a story for 5 or 10 minutes in the middle of the afternoon. It doesn't take much time, and it makes my kids so happy! And it makes me happy too.

S made a tea party today. She used her imagination and gathered up all the nessesities. Two bean bag chairs an one box turned upside down all decoratd with pillows. Toy food for everyone (even if some of it wasn't really food, like the hacky sack on my plate). Stars from a stacking toy as decorations. Plates and cups. A serving bowl for the food and "cookies" (the cookie bowls were her shoes and the cookies were parts of her magnet paper doll). A "sign" to let me know it was a princess party. And my missing phone proped up in a toy boat so we could have a camera.

She went to so much work and was so proud. She and Z even took turns putting on a show. It would have been so easy to say, "Sorry sweetie, I'm working on something right now." But I didn't. I sat down for a few minutes and enjoyed a moment playing pretend with my kids. How thankful I am that I did.

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