Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Am Where I Am

In Sunday school today, the teacher made a great analogy and I want to share it.

When we go in to the bathroom and step on that scale, we often don't like what we see. But, there is nothing we can do about it. We have to start where we are. Sometimes we'll go in and just ignore the scale, we don't even want to know. Even if we don't look at where we are, we are still there. Avoiding the scale doesn't change how much we weigh.

Life is the same way. We have to start from where we are right now. Even if we avoid looking at where we are spiritually, physically, emotionally, etc..., it doesn't change that fact that that is the position we are in currently. Life is a process. We aren't perfect. We have to work toward the perfection that we would love to have. That process never stops. Keep up the good work!

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