Monday, December 19, 2011

The Christmas Party

We had a church Christmas party on Saturday, and it was quite the roller coaster of emotions for my family. Things started out great! Samantha got to wear her tutu so she could be an angel in the nativity later, and we sat by some friends and had a great time talking. Then we had the opening prayer/blessing on the food. Michael and I went to get food for us and the kids. I held Zach and told Samantha to stay where she was, we'd be right back. We were close to the front of the line and I could see her at the table just a few feet away. I checked on her right as I got to the tables with the food, then filled a plate for Zach and I. When I got back to the table, she was no where to be seen!

To say I was worried would be an understatement. Right away, Michael and I started looking around the gym. We couldn't see her. So we started searching the halls and class rooms. She was not there. Our church is pretty big, so there were lots of places to look. We kept asking people if they had seen her. No one had. I don't think I've ever been that scared in my life! Finally, someone asked our Bishop to announce that we couldn't find her. As soon as he did, she heard her name and poked her head out from under the table cloth. Someone said, "She's right here!" I was so relieved! She looked like she was ready to burst out in tears. She was so sad and scared that I couldn't even be mad at her. After we both calmed down a bit, we enjoyed a delicious dinner.

Next, was the nativity. Samantha was the only dancing angel on the stage! The nativity was a reading of Luke 2 with Christmas carols intermittently put in. When everyone was singing, Samantha was dancing. It was adorable! She was so happy to be in front of ea crowd. I love that she is old enough to do things like that!

After the nativity, there was a special visitor. This is where the emotional roller coaster crashes again, at least for Samantha. All week, I talked to Samantha about sitting on Santa's lap. She was so excited to sit on his lap, while I held her hand, and ask for a princess Barbie (which princess depended on the day). But, as soon as Santa came out, Samantha started screaming, "I want go home!" over and over again! I kept trying to calm her down and help her remember what we had talked about the entire week prior. It didn't help.

Zach sat on Santa's lap first and just stared Santa down with a look that said, "I think I'm scared, but you are so weird looking I can't take my eyes off of you." Next, I put Samantha on his lap. She immediately screamed like I have never heard even her scream! We did get a picture though!

Over all it was a good night, but one that I don't want to go through ever again!

1 comment:

Melissa Stone said...

it makes me happy that she likes her tutu. I've kind of decided to forgo the santa experience for a few years in hopes that we can avoid the screaming, but perhaps that's only postponing the inevitable.