Sunday, December 4, 2011

Blog Name

A couple of weekends ago, I went to an women's conference called Time Out for Women. It was an awesome event full of uplifing speakers and music. Laurel Christensen gave a talk that really got me thinking about my life. She talked about starting college with a plan for her life in mind, Plan A. When Plan A didn't work out, she moved on to Plan B, then Plan C, etc....Eventually there we so many broken plans she was in the Greek alphabet! She went on to tell about an experience that made her realize she has always been on Plan A. Even though it wasn't her Plan A, she was on Heavenly Father's Plan A for her life.

I have felt the same way several times in my life. I am still young and have much to experience, but my life is not where I thought it would be. Fortunatly, my life is right where Heavenly Father planned for it to be. 

This blog is a place for me to write stories about people and expriences from my life, my Plan A. Hopefully some of these stories will be of some help you too. Whether you get a laugh, an idea, some comfort, or just a break from your day, I will feel like I have succeed in what I want to do.

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