Monday, May 5, 2014

Messes of Art

Z is quite the little "artist." He likes to use unusual mediums though. Here are a few:

- pen on sheets (he was pretty proud of his drawings on my bed)
- blue toothpaste on walls
- drops of milk from W's sippy cup on toys, scooters, hair, etc...
- carmex also on sheets and hair
- butter knife markings on the wall (who knew you could draw on a wall with a butter knife?)
- boogers on the wall
- marker on his own or his brother's face
- Aquaphore on bed frame and book shelf
- crayon on a magnadoodle
- pencil on a computer screen
- smashed green beans in a boot and on the floor
-sour cream smeared on the table

I'm sure there are more masterpieces I am forgetting. He has quite the creative side.

I was looking back at pictures the other day and realized his tendency to take things and spread them started from a very young age. And I love the advice my sister-in-law once gave me: you can get mad or take a picture. I am thankful for the times I chose to take a picture. I love my little guy and all of his energy and creativity! My goal is to take more pictures and yell much less. And maybe let him help me clean up his creations more often.

1 comment:

Melissa Stone said...

I know those sheet masterpieces all too well, but mine have been created with sharpie. Much harder to get out than pen...