Today is a bitter-sweet day. My not so baby sister Eliza is graduating from high school. I'm so excited for her, and so sad to be far away. So, to help me smile a bit more today, I decided to reminisce about her.

I remember the day my parents told me we were going to have a baby brother or sister. Since we were one boy and two girls, we were all certain that baby #4 would be a boy. Boy, were we surprised!!!

I still have vivid memories of her first birthday. She grabbed her cake, squished it through her fingers, then smashed it in her eye. I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever seen! And was very happy to share the story to any listening, or not listening, ear.

When my older brother was a senior in high school, Eliza was starting Kindergarten. I couldn't believe she wouldn't graduate until 2014!!! That was eons away! How would we even say that? Two thousand fourteen or twenty-fourteen? Weird!

As I grew up, moved away to college, got married, etc..., I've tried to still be a sister. I didn't want to be so removed from Eliza that she felt like she never knew me. It was important to me to still be a part of her life, even if it was just a small part. Last summer she went with my family to Illinois. It was so fun to have her along, and not just have someone who could help buckle in kids, though I did enjoy that too. I've enjoyed seeing her plays (she is quite the gifted actor, by the way; I kind of wish I had her natural ability), hearing her sing, playing with my kids (they all LOVE Aunt "Yiza"), and hearing stories of the amazing example she is to those around her. She has gone from that little sister pushing her ride on toy around the yard, to an amazing young woman who is going to change the world for the better!
Congratulations Little Eliza Marie!
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