Of course she had to be kidding. No, what do you REALLY want?
All I want is a clean house, she would reiterate.
I couldn't believe it. She must just want me to save my money or something. She can have a clean house any time, right? This is a day for presents! I want to buy something. I want to wrap something. A clean house is so boring! So, I would go out and buy some frivolous present and be super excited for how much she was going to love it! It would be way better than a lame "clean house."

Now I understand.
All I want for Mother's Day is a clean house.
No toys.
No dishes.
No dirty clothes in my living room (I don't even know how they got there).
Opening resents is fun, but what is even better? A clean house that I can just relax in. I can't believe how much more relaxed and happy I am when my house is clean!
But, let's be realistic. I have four kids five and under. I heard the saying that cleaning your house with kids is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos. Yup! But one day, when they are a bit older, I will be able to convince them that even better than another necklace or picture for my wall is a clean house! Right?
1 comment:
oh, I totally know how the dirty clothes got on MY living room floor, and it has nothing to do with my children.
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