Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Longest Week of My Life

I haven't been on for a while. First I just didn't know what to write about, then I just didn't have time. Now, I have time, and I know just what I want to say.

This past week has been the longest week of my life. On Monday, my brother's wife was in a car wreck with her two children. As soon as I heard, I didn't know what to do. Michael still had a half hour or so of work and the hour long ride home. I didn't know what hospital to go to, I didn't know if I should be calling my brother, I didn't know the kids were in the car at first so I was wondering where they were, I didn't know how serious it was, I just didn't know a lot of things all at once. Then, it came to me. I needed to call the LDS Temple in Salt Lake City, UT and put their names on the prayer roll. They were going to need all the prayers they could get. I called, and then I prayed like crazy.

I finally got a hold of my brother, dropped my kids off at a neighbor's house (I will forever be thankful for her), picked up Michael, and headed to the hospital.

One of the greatest blessings of that night was getting to the hospital at the same time as my Aunt and Uncle. We got to the elevators at the same time; I didn't even know they were coming. My parents were 4 hours away, but getting closer every minute, so I was very glad to have someone there to help me keep calm and know what to do to help.

I won't go into the details of the night and next day, but my 2 year old niece, Ethne, passed away that night. My sister-in-law was in the ICU for several days. My nephew was released from the hospital the next afternoon with only 5 stitches and not a bruise on his body. He is our little miracle. After looking at the photos of the car, I am amazed that anyone lived. The car was broadsided by a cement truck and pushed 60 feet. I am so sad about Ethne, but I am so thankful for my sister-in-law and her son.

Over the last week there has been a lot of tears. I have never felt so sad. There have also been a lot of prayers, from my family and for my family. I am amazed at the outpouring of love we have received. I am so thankful for it. People I haven't talked to in years would be here in a moment if I needed their help. I have been asked several times what we need. I always say, "Your prayers." My faith in prayer is bigger than it has ever been. I can literally feel the power of the prayers being said in my family's behalf. This has been the saddest, but most spiritual experience of my life.

I know that I have a Father in Heaven that loves me and loves all of His children. I know that he has power over all things. I know that he has a plan for our lives and that we will not be taken from this earth until that plan has been fulfilled. How thankful I am for that knowledge!

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