Thursday, March 22, 2012

Just a Smile

Many mornings, on my way to work, I have passed the cutest old couple out walking. The lady is so bundled up that only her eyes are showing. The man has on his coat, hat, scarf, sun glasses, and the biggest smile I have ever seen! He also has a cane with him, which he usually carries (he may have been using it once). And every time I see them, without fail, they are holding hands.

The first time I saw this couple, I thought, "This part of town isn't that great, they are old, and it is freezing! What are they doing outside walking?!?" Then I noticed his smile. He just radiates happiness. I don't know anything about him or his wife, but, just by looking at his smile, I know they are happy. The freezing weather doesn't matter, that's why they are bundled up. They have probably lived in the same part of town since before it was much of a town. They are walking together, probably just like they have been their entire life, so why stop now just because their hair is white. I'm sure they look forward to that walk every morning.

What an amazing thing to be able to radiate happiness like that, especially as a couple. They probably have no idea that they have had an influence on some stranger driving by because of a smile! Seeing them in the morning puts a smile on my face that I want to pass on all day. That's the kind of person I want to be some day; the kind that makes you want to smile every time you think about them!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Working Mom

Ever since Samantha was born, I have not had a full time job. I have subbed on Fridays when Michael is home and I have a small, at home business I make things for and sell online, but those are both things I can do if and when I have time.

A couple months ago, a teacher I substituted for asked me if I would be willing to be a full time sub while she went on maternity leave. After a lot of thought, prayers, and discussion with Michael, we decided that I would help her out for 3 of the 6 weeks (she had another sub that could do the other 3 weeks if I couldn't do all 6). My three weeks started last week, and now I know why I'm not a working mother!

I have gained a new found respect for mothers of young kids who work outside the home. That being said, it is not the life for me! Every morning is a struggle to get kids ready, out the door, to the babysitter, and to school on time. Once I get to school, I really enjoy the job. I work with great kids and even better teachers. It is so fun to be teaching again! But school ends, and I have to get the kids and start my day. Every time I pick up the kids, Zach crawls to me as quickly as possible! I love it! He is so happy to see me! Samantha is another story. She always cries and says, "No go home!!!" After finally dragging her out the door with Zach in tote, we get in the car and often, as soon as we pull in the garage, the crying starts again. I get her into the house, look at the mess from the day before and the morning, and the headache strikes! By the time Michael gets off work, figuring out what to make for dinner seems almost impossible.

I love that I am having this experience. It makes me appreciate that I can be home with my kids. I appreciate that I get to know what they are doing every minute of every day. I get to know what, when, and if they are eating good things. I can regulate how much television they get. I get to read them stories. I get to kiss them at nap time. I get to be the one that raises my kids. That is a huge blessing that is often times hard to see. Being a stay-at-home-mom can get so monotonous. Cleaning, cooking, diapers, screaming kids, etc... every day can be hard to deal with. But I have learned that when you work, you still have to deal with it, just add working to the list!

I'm sure there will be a point in a month or so, after working is a thing of the past, when I think, "I'm going crazy with the house and kids!" But, for the next week or two, I have a little different perspective!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


My latest discovery: Being a working mom is hard! I'm glad it is only for 3 weeks! It is only day two, and I already have a headache every time I walk in the door.

Zach's latest discovery: Wax paper!

Get mad, or take a picture! Good think he's super cute!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Amazing People

I've been a little neglectful with the blog lately, but I said I would share a little more about what I have learned the past few weeks, so here it goes.

One of the biggest things I have learned is how amazing people are. I don't think I can even name most of the people that have helped my family, but I can tell you that we are thankful for each of them. I want to share a few examples of the service and love shown.

The prayers. I can't tell you what a help the prayers of others have been and continue to be, especially for my brother and his wife. I have never felt so strong the prayers of others. I know in the past I have wondered if my prayers for people really help. I now know, without a doubt, they do!

The babysitting. I am so blessed to have great friends! As soon as I heard about the accident, I couldn't decide which friend to call to watch my kids. I knew all of them would say yes in an instant. What a huge blessing it was for me to not have to worry about my kids for a minute. And, to not have to worry about hurrying home to take them back. I had so many offers to babysit too. It may seem simple, but it was huge for me!

The calls, texts, messages, etc... I always thought that in times of hardship it was better to leave people alone. I was wrong! All the calls, texts, Facebook messages, etc... that my family got that week, and continue to get, have been so uplifting. Its nice to be thought of. There were even people that we hadn't talked to in years that were calling, offering to help. My family has been overwhelmed (in a good way) with the wonderful people that have expressed their love and concern. Many of the messages never were responded to because of time, but every single one of them was a blessing. Next time I have a friend or family member going through a hard time, they will be at least getting a text from me. It is nice to know someone cares!

The money. A charitable bank account was set up for people to donate money to my brother and his wife. I can't believe the amount of people that have donated. I threw an auction on my Facebook business page and got a huge response. Some lady from my brother's church sponsored a bake sale and got local businesses to sponsor it. There are have been so many people, many who know my family and many who have never even met us, donate their time and their money to a family in need. At a time like this, money should not be an issue for them. They should work on healing, and they can because of the generosity of others.

The dinners. Between all of the members of my family, we have been fed well. The week of the accident I didn't have to make dinner once. My neighbors brought so many dinners that I was able to take them to the hospital and feed everyone I could get to eat. Again, it seems like a simple thing, but it was a huge blessing for us.

The love. I don't think we, as a family, have been through a harder time. I also don't think we have ever felt more love from friends, family, and our Father in Heaven. What a blessing it is to have that love and the faith to make it through.

Thanks to all of you who have supported our family in these, and many other ways. You are a blessing in our lives! I can't thank you enough!