Thursday, April 16, 2015

Orange Nail Polish

A couple of weeks ago, I was going through boxes of stuff, purging for our upcoming yard sale. I was "in the zone" you might say. I wasn't paying much attention to my boys while Baby B slept and S was at school. They are pretty good at entertaining themselves, plus they had control of the remote. Good parenting. Right?!?

While I was working, I got a whiff of nail polish. I had just taken a few bottles out of one of the boxes and put it aside to pack with bathroom stuff. I didn't think a thing of it.

A few minutes later I got another whiff and suddenly realized, if you can smell the nail polish, it is probably open.

Brilliant deduction. I know.

I turn around.

A foot away from me is W, painting one of his legs a vibrant shade of orange.

All I had to do was say his name, and he burst into tears.

I figured I'd clean it off him later when I had time to search for nail polish remover. It was going to be a chore, but he didn't get it on the carpet and we got some of it wiped up for now. The rest was dry.

Here's a picture of my cute little guy with his leg covered in orange nail polish.

Yes, I posted the right picture.

Yes, I said orange nail polish.

And yes, I did say one leg was covered.

You just can't see the orange nail polish because he decided to cover it up with a bottle of green paint.

Let's continue this story....

A few hours after the nail polish incident, I was in another room working on something else. I suddenly realize that W is nowhere to be found.  I wander into the room of boxes, and there on the far side is a cute, little, green monster.

Of course I was completely calm (if you believe that, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you).

Again, I say his name, and he bursts into tears.

He starts to walk towards me, which I realize immediately is a horrible idea unless I want green paint all over the house. I pick him up and carry him upstairs to the bathroom.

As soon as I set him down, I realize I saved the house but a ruined one of my favorite pairs of jeans! Of course they are the pair that make me feel skinny. Now they make me feel green.

I am ragging  mad, but before I put him in the shower (a bath would do no good with this much paint, much to his dismay) I think, "You may be angry now, but you will want to blog about this later."

Oh how right I was.

After a good scrubbing, I got the green monster mostly back to his normal color. Though one leg was still a bit orange.

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