It's funny to me how many people told me, "It's okay to cry."
I think I will miss her help at home most. S is probably my most helpful child. She's a girl (I know it's a stereotype, but it is for a reason! She is way more help then the boys), and she is my oldest. They get to the finally being able to help with things other than putting away a couple of toys and throwing the diapers in the garbage stage, then you send them away all day. Now I have to train the next one. I'm sure he'll figure it out in about two years (just in time for Kindergarten).
Oh well! I'm very excited for S to be in school. These are a few things I look forward to experiencing the upcoming months:
- Watching boy shows without a fight breaking out in the middle of the day.
- S getting good enough to read a book without me being there to help (she is so excited to be able to read to her brothers).
- S overcoming some fears (that automatic toilet might be a tough one, but I think she will get there...she's already over her fears of the slides on the playground!!!).
- Walking to the bus stop twice a day and getting to know a few neighbors.
- Actually having a reason to get dressed (though I do think that yoga pants may have to count as "dressed" some mornings).
- Actually having a reason to dress my kids (though, again, they may be at the bus stop in pajamas some mornings).
- Having a reason to dance in the rain (it rains a lot here, so walks to the bus are going to be fun! And I mean that with all sincerity)!
- Getting on a schedule (I have a hard time with this if I'm just sitting around the house all day).
- Watching S teach her brothers what she has learned at school!
1 comment:
Sounds like she's more excited than anxious about going to Kindergarten. Sounds like a win to me.
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