Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Our FIRST First Day of School

I'm sure we are not the only family that experienced the first day of school last week. For us, it was our very first, first day of school S is in Kindergarten!!! She did preschool a couple days a week for a few months before we moved, but it has just been the kids and me every day together since January. So having her gone all day, every day will be an adjustment. But, I'm sure I'll get used to it.

It's funny to me how many people told me, "It's okay to cry."

I'm not really a cryer, plus I still have three little ones at home with me all day. So crying wasn't really on my "To-Do" list. Though, in retrospect, it would have been nice if she wasn't so ready to see me leave her.

I think I will miss her help at home most. S is probably my most helpful child. She's a girl (I know it's a stereotype, but it is for a reason! She is way more help then the boys), and she is my oldest. They get to the finally being able to help with things other than putting away a couple of toys and throwing the diapers in the garbage stage, then you send them away all day. Now I have to train the next one. I'm sure he'll figure it out in about two years (just in time for Kindergarten).

Oh well! I'm very excited for S to be in school. These are a few things I look forward to experiencing the upcoming months:

  • Watching boy shows without a fight breaking out in the middle of the day.
  • S getting good enough to read a book without me being there to help (she is so excited to be able to read to her brothers).
  • S overcoming some fears (that automatic toilet might be a tough one, but I think she will get there...she's already over her fears of the slides on the playground!!!).
  • Walking to the bus stop twice a day and getting to know a few neighbors.
  • Actually having a reason to get dressed (though I do think that yoga pants may have to count as "dressed" some mornings).
  • Actually having a reason to dress my kids (though, again, they may be at the bus stop in pajamas some mornings).
  • Having a reason to dance in the rain (it rains a lot here, so walks to the bus are going to be fun! And I mean that with all sincerity)!
  • Getting on a schedule (I have a hard time with this if I'm just sitting around the house all day).
  • Watching S teach her brothers what she has learned at school!
S is so excited to learn, which makes me excited as well. I'm sure all you moms out there can relate! It's hard to send them to a place full of strangers, but it is fun to meet new people and do new things. So here's to a year full of learning, for our whole family!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like she's more excited than anxious about going to Kindergarten. Sounds like a win to me.