That being said, I have had people ask me what kinds of things I take to entertain my little kids. They aren't really old enough for finding license plates from every state, or other games like that, that can entertain older kids. So I decide to come up with a list of things that seem to keep my crazy family from becoming not completely crazy when we travel together.
- LeapPads - I know that you may or may not own these for your kids so this may or may not apply. But, LeapPads have saved us on trips! They have educational games and my kids can play them for hours. I bought our LeapPads with road trips in mind. They don't get to play them for hours at home, but in the car, as long as they are happy, I don't care!
- Crayons and a notebook - This will cost you $0.50 at Walmart. You can't get better than that. Fifty cents for some quiet in the car. I got a set for each of my 3 kids that color. No fighting because Z won't share the blue crayon with S or because W ripped a page out of Z's notebook.
- FOOD - And plenty of it! For our upcoming trip, I made "trail mix" bags for my kids. I let each of the big kids pick a treat from the $0.99 candy section at Walmart, then filled in the rest with animal crackers (Aldi's has the best if you live in the east, just FYI), yogurt raisins, teddy grahams, etc... I don't know about your kids, but my kids LOVE TO EAT!!! I think they would just eat all day if I would let them. Traveling amplifies this. So, to avoid whining, I bring food. This time we are traveling on an airplane, but usually when we travel in the car I have a cooler full of fruits and veggies that are easy to eat on the go (grapes, clementines, carrots, cut up cucumbers and broccoli, etc...).
- Backpacks - Since we are traveling by air this time, each of my bigger kids gets their own back pack to carry their own stuff. We started packing these bags early and they have been carrying them around the house, knowing not to take anything out. They are so excited! Plus, I let them each pick a few toys to play with on the plane. Z wasn't so happy when I told him a full size soccer ball was not a toy he could take. So he settled for some cars. S is taking a baby, and some polly pocket sized people. W doesn't really have anything since he is sharing daddy's carry on. In all reality, I hope W will sleep!
- DVD Player - I know, not the greatest or most profound item. But it works, so why knock it.
- Headphones - These are great for the car and for the airplane. Obviously, the kids don't get to play on their LeapPad and watch a show on the airplane without headphones, but even in the car it is nice to have them. Especially when the babies are sleeping! Its amazing how much quieter it makes the ride, plus you can listen to a book on CD or music over the car speakers and the kids don't complain about only being able to hear your stuff!
- Books - Sometimes they like them, sometimes they just throw them. But a couple of books is usually not a bad thing.
- Mix CDs - Although we are flying, we do have 4 drives to the airport and to our destination after the flight. Mix CDs with kid and "mommy and daddy music" has really been a hit in our family. I try to put lots of variety on our CDs. I think we have over a dozen mix CDs. Every time a song comes on the kids don't know, they ask who's music it is. They've even learned to like some "mommy and daddy music!" And when we get sick of the CDs, we just take turn picking songs ourselves. True, we do sing "Twinkle, Twinkle" way more often than some of us would like, but if it makes kids happy, then why not!?!

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