I was sitting in my living room, chatting with a friend, when I hear squeals of delight emanating from my two boys. I comment on how well they play together. I love it when they are happy.
A moment later, in walks W looking like this:
You have got to be kidding me!
What does that play room look like?
They aren't even my walls! This is a rental!
Rush into playroom and find this:
Makes sense. If you are drawing on your brother's face and going to blame him, you might as well draw on your own face.
I find the marker. Hide it. I don't see any more markers. I do see my craft paint. Glad that didn't get opened. Hide that as well.
After my friend goes home I will have to clean the playroom. I'm sure to find marker somewhere else.
Friend leaves. I make dinner. Put kids to bed. I'm too tired and it is too late for baths. We'll clean it off tomorrow. We aren't going anywhere, and I've cleaned some off already.
Next day:
Pretty normal day. Z seems to be on one, but that is how 3 year old boys are, right? Day wears on.
Boys are playing in the playroom. Great! I can get some stuff done. In waddles W looking like this:
Run to play room and find this:
Great! Guess I should have looked harder for more markers. Found them now! And they are going in the garbage.
What did I learn?
Little boys find things. Everything. Anything. Hiding it doesn't always work. But throwing it in the garbage does.
"Washable" markers are not all that washable. Though it did come out of their hair pretty well.
The face has got to be the hardest thing to wash marker off of, especially if your kid doesn't like getting water in their eyes.
On a side note, I think Z was trying to put on make up and paint his nails because he had a beautiful shade of red on his eye lid and some bright colors on his toe nails. Funny boy.
I do have to admit, the first time it took a lot of will power on my part not to laugh. Not so much the second time though.