Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Do you ever find yourself sitting an watching mindless shows for way longer than you should? I hope I'm not the only one. Sometimes at the end of the day I think, "Wow, really Heidi?!? You just wasted an entire day, or at least a big chunk of the day, and now you are grumpy because the house isn't as clean as you would like!" Most of the time I will justify the action saying things like, "Well, you are pregnant right now and don't feel that good. What else are you going to do?" or "You did a whole bunch of crocheting or cutting out whatever you are going to sew for your business. It was just back ground noise. Its not like it made you go slower." or "The kids were asleep. It was your one chance to relax without interruption."

As I have been thinking about all these justifications, and more, I have thought about how much time I have wasted almost every day! There is always something that needs to be done, and yet I just sit there at times. So, I'm going to try something. Tomorrow I'm going to go an entire day without watching a single show or movie. Then I'm going to do that for a second day. I'm going to try to not watch television for one week. Now, here is the hard part, I'm also going to try to replace it with something more productive. That does NOT include Pintrest, Facebook, my smartphone, etc... I can still do those things, but not any more than I normally do. At the end of the week, I'll let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!!!

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