If you have ever flown on an airplane before, then you know there are two kinds of passengers: Those with a kid and those without.
It isn't unusual to be sitting quietly at the gate when a mom with her baby approaches and sits down. One of two thoughts probably goes through your head, "Great a baby!" (thought with all enthusiasm because you just LOVE babies or are a parent yourself). Or "Great, a baby" (thought with all terror because you might end up sitting next to said baby while it screams because her ears just won't pop during take off, landing, nor any moment in between).
If you are a parent that has ever been on an airplane with your child, you know the facial expressions that go with these thoughts. The "don't-look-at-them-and-maybe-they'll-walk-to-the-next-gate" face. Sometimes it's the "I've-been-there-too,-good-luck!" face.
Well, when my posse arrived, I'm sure there was a "holy-cow-they-actually-leave-the-house-with-that-many-kids" face. I'm not actually certain because I was too busy yelling at Z to stop running away, telling W to stop putting his foot on the wheel of the stroller, keeping track of whatever shoe or sock B may have thrown, and making sure S didn't get too far behind.
We had two flights out and two flights back with a four hour drive on each end (8 hours total going out and 8 hours coming back). Needless to say, my kids got fidgety, tired, etc...
But, I was prepared! Snacks, Leadpads, toys, headphones, etc... Each kid would have enough to do that they wouldn't get too bored. Plus we woke up so dang early they should just sleep for at least one leg of the trip.
And they did.
Things went great out, and even back.
When I saw looks of terror as we sat by people, I assured them my kids are great travelers.
They've done this a lot.
Don't worry.
I almost believed it myself!
Then, as we started to descend on our first flight towards home, it happened.
I knew this trip couldn't be incident free.
That would be too good to be true.
The captain had warned us of turbulence when we first set out. It had been reported in the Denver area, where we had our layover. So we knew it was coming. We just didn't realize how bad it would be.
The flight attendants picked up all the trash for the last time, in preparation for the turbulence we would get. They had just finished up and were putting the bag in the can when it happened.
The plane moved left, right, up, and down all at the same time.
This was not just your run of the mill turbulence. It felt like the plane was picked up and shaken.
In the back of the plane, we hear the flight attendant fly across the little room in back.
Maybe a little swearing (it wasn't me, promise)!
I look at the couple across the aisle. They have a little baby and the dad is wrapped around baby and mom.
This was the worst turbulence I'd ever experienced.

I keep telling myself, "Turbulence doesn't take planes down."
I'm not sure if I believe it at that moment.
The plane shakes again.
My nerves are heightened, so I'm sure there is someone else completely freaking out on this plane.
There are multiple babies on this flight. I can't be the only mom stressed.
At that moment Z yells, "WE'RE GOING DOWN!!!"
Now, you would think that this would stress me out even more. Quite the contrary.
I started laughing so hard, I had a difficult time shushing my blunt little 4 year old while reassuring him we were not, in fact, going down.
Of course, we landed and everything was fine.
Now, I'm not sure if anyone heard Z's cry or not. But if you were on that plane, and you heard him scream, I hope you took it as I did and laughed like crazy. And next time you see a family with a ton of little kids, instead of putting on your "I-think-I'm-allergic-to-kids" face, pray you get to sit near enough to hear what will probably come out of at least one of their mouths during the trip. Because nothing can change your mind set in a stressful situation like a 4-year-old yelling, "We're going down!!!"